Two Sisters make their Temporary Profession

On the 6th of August Sr Mary Cecilia and Sr Mary Anastasia, originally from Nigeria, made temporary vows for three years. The Benedictine vows are Stability in the Congregation, Conversion of Life and Obedience. Most Rev. Bishop Stephen Lowe presided at the ceremony and many friends came to support them in this new step they were taking. Unfortunately their families were not able to make the long journey to attend the ceremony, but were overjoyed to hear the news and see the photos which we sent them.

The Sisters themselves were also full of joy to become professed Sisters of the Congregation. They received a black veil in place of the white novitiate one, and a medal of the Congregation. The medal is based on a vision received by our Foundress, Marie Adele Garnier, and depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a circle representing the Eucharist. Jesus' words run around the edge "I have come to cast fire upon the earth and would that it were already kindled".


Change of date for EWTN interview with Mother Xavier

In our newsletter we wrote that Mother Xavier would be having an interview with Rev. Fr. Mitch Pacwa of EWTN. (Eternal Word Television Network) The dates given in the newsletter are now wrong as they have been changed. The interview will now air on the 5th of July, probably at the same times. The program is called EWTN LIVE with Fr Mitch Pacwa, you can look up the scheduled programs on the website for EWTN.


Conference on the servant of God Mother Marie Adele Garnier

On the 14th of May 2017 Rev. Mother M.Xavier McMonagle OSB, Assistant General of the Tyburn Nuns will give a talk about our Foundress Mother Marie Adele Garnier. There is no other person at this present time who knows more about our Foundress than R. Mother M.Xavier. This is one of those rare occasions where you will have the opportunity to listen to stories on Mother Marie Adele Garnier that you will not hear anywhere else. Anyone is welcome to attend this talk at Tyburn Monastery, Ngakuru at about 10am. You are invited to bring a shared lunch for the day.


Mother Foundress's House Sold!

Thanks to benefactors from all over the world, the house in France where our Mother Foundress was born in 1838 has now been purchased. The house is intended to contain a chapel,  a museum and an information centre about Mother Marie-Adele Garnier. Part of it will be also used as a small conference centre and retreat centre for day groups and some overnight guests.

It is hoped that the house will be ready to open to the public by Autumn 2017. See the full report here


Silver Jubilee of Profession of Mother Rachel Khater

On the 25th of February Mother Mary Rachel of the Divine Paraclete (Khater) celebrated her silver jubilee of profession. The actual anniversary was on the 22nd. Most Rev. Bishop Steve Lowe celebrated the Holy Mass which was attended by many friends of the community as well as by some of Mother Rachel's family. Mother renewed her vows and sang the traditional Suscipe (Uphold me Lord according to your promise and I shall live. Let my hope inyou not be in vain.)which is part of the Monastic Profession ceremony. Mother Rachel is Lebanese born, but is now an Australian citizen, having moved there after the war. She has lived in New Zealand for about 21 years now, most of that time in our Monastery at Bombay in Auckland. It was a happy occasion and we wish Mother Rachel many more blessed years of monastic life!

Mother Rachel with the Bishop and her Papal Blessing.

Mother Rachel with the Bishop and her Papal Blessing.

Mother Rachel with some members of her family and community

Mother Rachel with some members of her family and community


Mother Foundress's House for Sale!

The 3rd of December was the day of the celebration in France for the opening of the Cause for Canonization of our Mother Foundress. On this day our Mothers who were present learned that the house where Mother Foundress was born in Grancey was up for sale!

After negotiations, the local council agreed to sell this house to us. Many donations quickly arrived to help with this purchase, so it was clear that the Lord meant us to go ahead with plans to turn her house into a place of pilgrimage and information about Mother Marie Adele Garnier. Thanks be to God for this surprising development! 
