Being a Tyburn Benedictine Nun
We live by four basic principles.
Our life is...
St Benedict wrote his Rule for those who want to put the love of Jesus Christ at the very centre of their life...
“To prefer nothing to the love of Christ”
“The Father is seeking those who will adore Him in spirit and in truth.”
Consecrated to the Heart of Jesus, this Congregation is one close-knit family, entirely dedicated to divine worship in the liturgy and in the perpetual adoration of the holy Eucharist, and seeks to draw down through the heart of Jesus, abundant graces for the Holy Father, the Church, and for the entire human family.
The silence of Jesus in the Eucharist draws us into the prayer of contemplation where we worship the Holy Trinity and are filled with unending wonder at the great mysteries revealed to us by the Father through His only Son Jesus in His Spirit.
Our prayer of contemplation overflows into a continual song of praise. So we come together seven times a day to sing God’s praises in the Psalms and Canticles - the Liturgy of the Hours.
This is our main duty and nothing should be put before it.
Through Christ we offer to God a "sacrifice of praise". This is the prayer which Christ Himself in His member addresses to the Father. So when we share in this celebration, we stand before God’s throne in the name of the Church.
The Divine Office sanctifies the course of each day which is why we have it at set times throughout the day beginning at 5.30am with Nocturns and ending at 8pm with Compline. The Holy Mass is the centre of each day and we sing that, too.
Our Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament exposed continues throughout the day except when the Office is being sung.
For details, check the liturgical timetable in our Retreats section.