The carvings tell visitors and passers-by something about the people of New Zealand.

On the Southern amo (vertical panel on the left) the story of the Tuhoe people is told. Tuhoe - the ancestry of the tribe at the base, then the daily activities of the people before the coming of the Europeans - learning by instruction, recording important events by carving, gathering of food for living, warfare for the protection of one's heritage and identity.
On the southern maihi (top left) the activities the Tuhoe people engage in at present, such as work, play, learning and prayer are depicted.

On the northern amo, (vertical panel on the right) the story of the Catholic church in this part of the Bay of Plenty is told, the dates locating events in time.
On the northern maihi (top right) we have the portrayal of the Acts 1:12-14 where the apostles gathered together with Mary in the upper room for prayer on the day of Pentecost - the coming of the Holy Spirit. This is why we gather in this building - it is a house of prayer.