Two Sisters make their Temporary Profession

On the 6th of August Sr Mary Cecilia and Sr Mary Anastasia, originally from Nigeria, made temporary vows for three years. The Benedictine vows are Stability in the Congregation, Conversion of Life and Obedience. Most Rev. Bishop Stephen Lowe presided at the ceremony and many friends came to support them in this new step they were taking. Unfortunately their families were not able to make the long journey to attend the ceremony, but were overjoyed to hear the news and see the photos which we sent them.

The Sisters themselves were also full of joy to become professed Sisters of the Congregation. They received a black veil in place of the white novitiate one, and a medal of the Congregation. The medal is based on a vision received by our Foundress, Marie Adele Garnier, and depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a circle representing the Eucharist. Jesus' words run around the edge "I have come to cast fire upon the earth and would that it were already kindled".
