Silver Jubilee of Profession of Mother Rachel Khater

On the 25th of February Mother Mary Rachel of the Divine Paraclete (Khater) celebrated her silver jubilee of profession. The actual anniversary was on the 22nd. Most Rev. Bishop Steve Lowe celebrated the Holy Mass which was attended by many friends of the community as well as by some of Mother Rachel's family. Mother renewed her vows and sang the traditional Suscipe (Uphold me Lord according to your promise and I shall live. Let my hope inyou not be in vain.)which is part of the Monastic Profession ceremony. Mother Rachel is Lebanese born, but is now an Australian citizen, having moved there after the war. She has lived in New Zealand for about 21 years now, most of that time in our Monastery at Bombay in Auckland. It was a happy occasion and we wish Mother Rachel many more blessed years of monastic life!

Mother Rachel with the Bishop and her Papal Blessing.

Mother Rachel with the Bishop and her Papal Blessing.

Mother Rachel with some members of her family and community

Mother Rachel with some members of her family and community
