The tradition of monastic hospitality is as old as the history of the Benedictine way of life itself. St. Benedict (c480-550AD) in his Rule for monks encourages his followers to be hospitable in the strongest of terms:
“All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Each monastery across the world aspires in different ways and according to their means and circumstances, to live to this lofty ideal.
From the vast guest halls of the great European Abbeys to the simple wayside hostels of humbler monasteries, monks and nuns have welcomed travellers for 1500 years. They still do today at Tyburn Monastery.
Apart from the welcome extended every day to visitors, who come to just look, we also provide facilities for people who want to stay longer and use the beautiful surroundings and the ordered, balanced rhythms of monastic life for particular purposes, such as education and training, study and prayers as well as meditation, spiritual renewal and retreats.
A View from the Retreat Centre
The Retreat Centre at Tyburn Monastery offers people an opportunity to share in the Nuns life of prayer and worship and they welcome Retreatants to spend time alone with God, or to take advantage of the most beautiful natural surroundings in Ngakuru.
Tyburn monastery is located near Ngakuru in the Bay of Plenty, one of New Zealands most beautiful subtropical and volcanic landscapes. It takes about 30 minutes to drive there from Rotorua.
The nearest international airport is Auckland, Rotorua offers only domestic flights.
Enjoy your stay relaxing or praying
A beautiful Rosary garden
The Sacred Heart Shrine
A peaceful bushwalk
Mount Calvary which gives a panoramic view
of lake Ohakuri and surroundsBreathtaking views
Time for Prayer and Contemplation
Retreatants or visitors may join the nuns at
Daily Mass
Eucharistic Adoration
The Divine Office
Please see our liturgical timetable for details.
The Retreat Centre offers
Benedictine Spirituality
12 private guest rooms (single beds only) with ensuite
A library for spiritual reading
Sunny decks to relax, read or contemplate
All meals are provided for Retreatants. The main meal is at midday, and in the evening there is a light Supper.
Please see our meal timetable for details.
The Retreat Centre
Practical Tips
The suggested donation is $60 per night. This covers the two main meals and linen. Breakfast foods and snacks are also available for self serve.
If you would like to book an individual or a group retreat please use our contact page.
Bookings need to be confirmed by phone; this allows us personal contact with you first, and also for security reasons.