Christmas 2020

We attach our Christmas newsletter here

And may all have a blessed year 2020! It has been a busy year here as I can see from the fact that there have been no posts since last year. Mother Miriam Joseph has now come from Largs, Scotland to help the community. She was in Scotland for 8 years, and Ecuador also for many years, but is originally from Brisbane Australia. We are happy to have her with us now, assisting in the Retreat Centre and with our correspondence.

On the property we have had an increase as last year we bought 3 alpacas from Chipperfield Alpacas. Their registered names were Kiri, Sophia and Moonshine. These 3 gave birth in December to Sam, Stephanie and Joy. All the cria are brown in colour apart from Stephanie who is a mixture of black and brown, and all seem healthy thanks be to God. We are hoping the Alpacas may be a bit better tempered now that the Cria are born as they were rather prone to spitting earlier on.

Moonshine with her cria Joy

Moonshine with her cria Joy

Kiri greets new arrival Sam

Kiri greets new arrival Sam

Stephanie does not take after her mother in colour but hopefully will do so in character.

Stephanie does not take after her mother in colour but hopefully will do so in character.

In February it seems the postulators for Mother Marie Adele’s Cause for Canonization are really coming at last and those who have wanted to give testimony regarding favours received or their devotion to Mother Foundress have been invited to attend a talk by Mother General at Bombay on Sunday 12th January regarding the questions they will be asked by the postulators.
