The year is well on it's way with Winter around the corner. Due to a cold snap earlier in the season, the Autumn colours of the deciduous trees are stunning in their red, pink and yellow colours this year.
After Easter, thanks to the kindness of benefactors, a kitchen renovation was begun. We had retained the kitchen from the original farmhouse that was bought, and as it was only meant to cater for a few people we were finding it difficult to manage the large amount of cooking needed for the retreat centre. The renovation and extension will also mean we can enjoy access to fresh air and light which will be a great relief for the cooks - perhaps the meals too will improve!
Mother Rachel in the new kitchen area.
Since the departure of our previous chaplain Rev. Fr Santey who returned to India for a visit and then will resume his good work in the polytechnic schools of Kenya, our Bishop has not managed to find for us a permanent chaplain. There will be different priests coming out to say Mass on most days but the Mass times will vary so keep on eye on our website for the different times if you are thinking of coming.